The World’s Most Profitable Facebook Retargeting Strategy To Skyrocket Sales


Cordon Lam


Facebook Retargeting Strategy is the process to target specific people to increase the number of sales, like retarget with discount, shipping free, or anything else with some good offer.

For Marketing Strategy, Finding new people to buy your product or service is an important part of the entire sales process. It may be tough for some people, but if your goal is to increase sales then you need to figure out which sales strategy will be effective for your target customer.

Do you have a great product but aren’t gaining the right customers to buy it? That’s okay, these strategies will help.

Are you not sure how to approach your customers or have a confusing sales message? That’s okay, too. we’ll show you a few helpful tricks for that and also will teach you below that how you can apply Facebook Remarketing Strategy.

Get Chunk Of Sales Via Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising is the world’s most powerful advertising platform. According to Statistics, they currently have over 2.7 billion monthly active users. That makes Facebook the most popular social media platform in the world. In other words, this is where your brand needs to be. 

Whether you monetize your social media posts, create profitable ads, or retarget store visitors, Facebook is one of the most profitable social networks for online retailers. 

Facebook’s targeting options are the most comprehensive allowing marketers to reach specific audiences to ensure they reach the right customer. Many have been able to reach their desired customer while generating a profit when marketing for ecommerce on Facebook. 

Scale Your Ads Well and Facebook Remarketing Strategy

If you’ve never had a customer before, you can learn your customer demographics through Facebook. You’ll need to create a series of ads where use different sets of interests to determine who your audience is. You won’t know which audience responds to your product the most until you test it. You’ll want to keep all the details the same such as location, age, gender, except for the interests. After you’ve narrowed down interests, you might narrow down the location, age, gender, or other key traits of your target market.

When it comes to scaling your ad, you’ll need to create a second ad. If your ad won’t work well then you should start a facebook retargeting strategy. A lot of new entrepreneurs may increase the budget in a big way only to have fewer conversions. If you plan on increasing your budget, increase it by 10-15% at a time to ensure it stays optimized. If you go from a $5 ad budget to $500, you may break the ad. Instead, focus on creating a second ad with a similar demographic which means Retargeting

facebook retargeting strategy

What is Facebook Retargeting Strategy?

Retargeting is when a customer visits your website and leaves without making a purchase but is then shown an ad for that specific product they were viewing on your store. You might well have seen retargeting in action without realizing it. It’s fast, extremely profitable, and gets better with age.

Cheap Money Maker Ads 

By following Facebook retargeting strategy, Retarget your audience. This can be a money-maker. But you need to have some stable traffic for it to work well. If you’re on a budget, you can drive traffic for free by marketing on social media, creating unique content and tagging influencers, and more. The retargeting ad is typically cheaper and will usually perform well.

Low Cost, Highly Effective

 Because remarketing uses display advertising (one of the lowest-cost forms of advertising, partly due to the fact that it’s so difficult to target effectively), the cost is relatively low when compared to, say, Adwords. However, because remarketing is narrowly targeted only to people that have visited your site, it’s much higher ROI than regular display advertising and thus much more cost-effective

Retargeting Budgets

Retargeting ads work really well at converting since customers are already familiar with your brand since they were previously on your website.

On average, you want to spend ¼ of your total ad budget on retargeting. If you sell expensive products you’ll likely want to invest a bigger portion of your ad budget to your facebook retargeting strategy.


Because customers likely need to see your product a few more times before they’re ready to purchase.

A product under $50 is usually affordable enough that a customer may be ready to buy the first or second time. But a product that costs $150 might require a few more ads to help a customer realize they’re ready to purchase it.

Get Best ROI with Retargeting

You can get a good ROI from a retargeting ad 

The best strategy you should experience with retargeting is targeting people who saved the ad but never clicked on it. So if a person saved the ad to view later but never ended up visiting our website, we’d retarget them as a helpful reminder to view the product.


The secret to Facebook Ads success comes down to experimentation. The more you experiment with different products, copy, targeting options, ad types and more, the more likely you are to create a successful Facebook ad. We hope these strategies would work really well for you. Take risks. And don’t be afraid to make mistakes. The lessons you learn from experimentation will provide you with so much value for years to come.

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